J Kishore’s National Health Programs of India: National Policies and Legislation related to health, Ed.15th; New Delhi: Century Publications 2024.
J Kishore, Sneha Kumar. Practical & Viva in Community Medicine. 6th Ed. New Delhi: Century Publications 2024.
Madhur Verma, Soumya Swaroop Sahoo, Priyanka Garg, Jugal Kishore. Clinics in Covid Pandemic. First Ed 2022, New Delhi: Century Publications; ISBN. 978-81956189-1-0.
J Kishore’s National Health Programs of India: National Policies and Legislation related to health, Ed.14th; New Delhi: Century Publications 2022.<,li>
Jugal Kishore, Vinod Chaitanya, Nalini Tripathi, Bontha V Babu. Swachhta Avam Awasthya. New Delhi: Century Publications 2022 (Hindi).
जुगल किशोर विनोद चैतन्य, बोंथा वी बाबू, नलिनी त्रिपाठी. स्वच्छता एवं स्वास्थ्य-आदिवासी जनजाति हेतु स्वास्थ्य एवं स्वच्छता सम्बधी महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी. नई दिल्ली: सेंचुरी प्रकाशन 2022।
J Kishore, U Venkatesh. Steps towards Achieving Excellence in Community Medicine. New Delhi: Century Publications 2021
RC Jiloha, Jugal Kishore. COVID-19: epidemiological and Mental Health Challenges. New Delhi: Century Publications 2021
J Kishore, Sneha Kumar. Practical & Viva in Community Medicine. 5th Ed. New Delhi: Century Publications 2021.
J Kishore, Pratima Gedam. Question Bank Community Medicine. 2ndEd. New Delhi: Century Publications 2021.
Jugal Kishore, Shekhar Grover, Venkatesh V, GS Grewal. COVID-19 Advisory for Stand Alone Clinics (SAC) and Private Practitioners. MERA SWAASTH PHYSICIANS NETWORK (MSPN) 2020.
Sanjay Kumar & Jugal Kishore. Public Healthcare in India: Historical Background and Current Realities. New Delhi: Century Publications 2020.
Jugal Kishore Aparanvi P, Charu, Nalini Tripathi. Road Traffic Injuries and Road Safety: Facts to Know. New Delhi: Century Publications 2020.
जुगल किशोर अपर्णवी पी, चारु, नलिनी त्रिपाठी. सड़क यातायात चोट लगने और सड़क सुरक्षा: तथ्य पता करने के लिए। नई दिल्ली:सेंचुरी प्रकाशन 2020।
J Kishore’s National Health Programs of India: National Policies and Legislation related to health, Ed.13th; New Delhi: Century Publications 2019.
Jugal Kishore, AK Mandal, Lal Chandra, Amit Bhatnagar, Nalini Tripathi. Validation of Mobile Lab. Gaziabad: Advanced Research Publication 2018.
Jugal Kishore, Proceedings: National Conference on Holistic Health and Wellness: Unifying body, mind and spirit. Gaziabad: Advanced Research Publications 2018.
Risha Gupta, Jugal Kishore, Amarjeet Singh. Managing Common health problems at Puberty: A Guide for Adolscent Girls. New Delhi: Century Publication 2018.
J Kishore, Vini Agarwal (Ed). Leadership Skills for Nursing Professionals. New Delhi: Century Publications 2017.
J Kishore’s National Health Programs of India: National Policies and Legislation related to health, Ed.12th, pp. 1046; New Delhi: Century Publications 2017.
Jugal Kishore, PC Ray, RK Mandal. The Pioneering Social Reformers of India.New Delhi: Century Publications 2017.
J Kishore. A Textbook for Health Worker and Midwife. 2nd edition, pp. 348; New Delhi: Century Publications 2016
Amarjeet Singh, Sukhpal Kaur, Jugal Kishore. Comprehensive Textbook of Elderly Care. First edition 2014; New Delhi: Century Publication.
J Kishore’s National Health Programs of India: National Policies and Legislation related to health, Ed.11th 2014 Jan, pp. 1000; New Delhi: Century Publications 2014.
J Kishore. A Dictionary of Public Health, Ed 3rd pp 1093; New Delhi: Century Publications 2013.
Sanjay Kumar, Jugal Kishore. Inequity in Indian Healthcare: An analysis of women’s health. Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. Germany 2012. ISBN -13: 978-3-659-19185-5; ISBN – 10: 365919185x; EAN: 9783659191855
Jugal Kishore. Female Feticide: An Instigation of female status. Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. Germany 2012. ISBN -13: 978-3-659-15473-7; ISBN – 10: 3659154733; EAN: 9783659154737
Nupur Agarwal, Jugal Kishore, GK Ingle. How to prevent and manage your low back pain: A guide for healthy posture and lifestyle. ISBN 978-3-659-15872-8, paperback, pp80. Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. Germany 2012.
Suman Lata, Jugal Kishore, Gurmeet Singh. Breastfeeding and College Girls: An exploratory study to assess the knowledge and attitude of College girls regarding breastfeeding. SBN 978-3-8484-9882-6, Paperback. Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. Germany 2012.
Medha Goyal Charu Kohli, Jugal Kishore. Effect of Educational Booklet on Depression. ISBN 978-3-659-10276-9. Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. Germany 2012
J Kishore.A Textbook for Health Worker and Midwife. 1st edition, pp. 300; New Delhi: Century Publications 2012.
J Kishore‘sNational Health Programs of India: National Policies and Legislation related to health, Ed.9th 2010 (September), pp. 814; New Delhi: Century Publications 2012.
J Kishore, I Grewal. Practical and Viva in Community Medicine. 2ndEdition. New Delhi: Century Publications 2012.
J Kishore.Question Bank Community Medicine. 1st Ed. New Delhi: Century Publications 2011.
J Kishore.National Health Programs of India: National Policies and Legislation related to health, Ed.9th 2010 (September), pp. 814; New Delhi: Century Publications 2011.
J Kishore.Practical and Viva: Community Medicine. Ed.1st 2010, pp. 450; New Delhi: Century Publications 2010.
J Kishore. National Health Programs of India: National Policies and Legislation related to health, Ed.8th 2009 (September), pp. 814; New Delhi: Century Publications 2010 (Revised Reprint).
J Kishore.National Health Programs of India: National Policies and Legislation related to health, Ed.8th 2009 (September), pp. 814; New Delhi: Century Publications 2009.
J Kishore. Bhrun Hatiya: Apradhi Kaun? (Hindi translated by Dr. Panna Lal) Ed 1st, ISBN978-81-88132-17-1, pp 144; New Delhi: Century Publications 2008.
J Kishore. National Health Programs of India: National Policies and Legislation related to health, Ed. 7th 2007 (September), ISBN 81-88132-17-9, pp. 700; New Delhi: Century Publications 2007.
J Kishore. A Dictionary of Public Health, Ed 2nd, ISBN 81-881320-10-0, pp 1050; New Delhi: Century Publications 2007.
J Kishore. National Health Programs of India: National policies and legislation related to health, Ed. 6th 2006 (July), ISBN 81-88132-15-2, pp. 549; Century Publications, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110025;
J Kishore. National Health Programs of India: National policies and legislation related to health, Ed. 5rd 2005 (Aug), Century Publications, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110025;
J Kishore. “The Vanishing Girl Child” 1sted Century Publications, New Delhi 25.
J Kishore. “A Text of Health for Health Workers”, 2nd Ed Century Publications New Delhi 25
J Kishore, GK Ingle. Biomedical Waste Management in India. ISBN 818813208-X, pp 144, 1st Edition, 2004, Century Publications New Delhi.
J Kishore. A Textbook of Health for Health Workers. 1st Edition 2004, Century Publications New Delhi.
J Kishore. “A Dictionary of Public Health”, ISBN 81881320, pp 624 1st Ed. 2002 Century Publications, Jamia Nagar New Delhi 25.
J Kishore. National Health Programmes of India: National policies and legislation related to health, ISBN 818813204-7, pp. 410, Ed. 4rd 2002, Century Publications, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi
J Kishore. National Health Programmes of India: National policies and legislation related to health, Ed. 3rd 2002, Century Publications, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi
J Kishore & P C Ray. “Pioneering Social Reformers of India” 2001; Wisdom Publications, New Delhi, 2001. In Hindi-भारत के अग्रणी समाज सुधारक 2002.
J Kishore. National Health Programmes of India: Ed. 2rd 2002, Century Publications, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi
Ishwar Ke Bina Jeena. (Living without God-Translated to Hindi by BP Nidaria and Jugal Kishore) Published by Century Publication, New Delhi 2000
J Kishore. “Comprehensive Review of Community Medicine”, based on MCQ and important notes, Ed. 1998, Century Publications, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi
P C Ray & J Kishore. “The Great Warriors of Human Rights Movement From India” Ed. 1998; Wisdom Publication, New Delhi. In Hindi Manav Adhikar Andolan Ke Bharatiya Yoddha 2002.
Jugal Kishore. भावनाएं“Bhavnayen” An Anthology of Hindi Poems, JK Indu Parkashan, New Delhi.1994.
About Us
Dr. Jugal Kishore is a well-recognised name in the social and public health service landscape of India. His critical thinking shapes many reforms in healthcare system.