Nitika Gautam, Jugal Kishore, Nishu Chaudhry. Prevention of Violence against women 2013.
Bhaskar, Jugal Kishore, Panna Lal, JP Kapoor. Stress Management in School Children. Department of Community Medicine & School Health Program, Govt. of NCT Delhi 2012
Reviewers of PHFI & CBHE’s Counseling Module for Tobacco use (English, Telgu and Gujarati). New Delhi Century Publications 2011.
Medha Goyal, Jugal Kishore, RC Jiloha. Depression Management. Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi; 2011
Tanu Anand, Jugal Kishore, GK Ingle, GS Meena, S Yadav. NutritionalHealth among Adolescence. Department of Community Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi; 2010.
Ayyushi Jain, J Kishore. Tambaku Chhodne ke saral upaye (Hindi). Department of Community Medicine, Maulan Azad Medical College, New Delhi 2009.
VK Gupta, J Kishore, SV Singh, GK Ingle, et al. Training Module for Malaria Health Workers, Department of Community Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi; 2003
About Us
Dr. Jugal Kishore is a well-recognised name in the social and public health service landscape of India. His critical thinking shapes many reforms in healthcare system.