Nodal Officer of “Task force study forevaluation of community level acceptability, scalability and linkage within health system of ICMR pre-validated Labike technologies for screening & diagnosis in vulnerable remote, rural & urban population–An implementation research” Chikitsa-Chiktsak Appke Dwar– चिकित्साचिकित्सकआपकेद्वार
Principal Investigator:“Application of Geotagging in identification of otspots and real time monitoring of Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) under Ayushman Bharat” ICMR Sanctioned project 2021
Principal Investigator. PEP++ Stop Leprosy Transmission. Multicentric study of NLR, Netherland 2017-2022.
Principal Investigator: Health & Nutrition status of migrant Tribal in Delhi. ICMR Project 2019-2021.
Co-Investigator.ICMR National Taskforce on Operation Research on COVID titled “Mental Health and Social Stigma among Healthcare Personnel involved in the management of Covid-19 Patients in India.”Final Report 2020, ICMR.
Principal investigator: Integrated Road Injuries Surveillance: Multi Centric Study (IRIS) 2017-2019 (Number: NTF/2017/HSR/02).
Principal Investigator: Field and Laboratory based validation of Mobile Lab (Labike & Suitcase model) against Gold standard methods 2016-2017.
Principal Investigator: Association of ozone and human health risk for Delhi, India 2016-2018.
Principal Investigator: Involving Users and Carers in the revision of International Classification of Disease for Mental and Behavior Disorders (ICD 11)-Princeps study on two disorders: Depression and Schizophrenia 2016
Principal Investigator. “Feasibility study of screening tool for Diabetes prevalence in rural area of Delhi” ICMR Project 2011-12.
Project Consultant: “A Health Survey to Determine the Adverse Health Impact of Pollution in Delhi” A Report (1998) of Society for Environment and Health (SEH) submitted to Delhi Kalyan Samiti, the Govt. of NCT Delhi.
Project Coordinator: “Identifying Principal Occupational Exposures and Outcome in Selected Industrial Units in Delhi”. A Report (1998) submitted to the WHO
About Us
Dr. Jugal Kishore is a well-recognised name in the social and public health service landscape of India. His critical thinking shapes many reforms in healthcare system.