
Research Publications

Dr Jugal KIshore has covered wide range of publications extending on the mental health issues of health care workers during COVID 19 pandemic, effect of covid 19 on TB patient and determining the effect of unlockdown on covid 19, hesistancy of covid vaccination amd other communicable and non communicable diseases. He has also written on exploring the awareness regarding E waste and its management among electronic repair workers and scrap dealers. His research publications also covered on several diseases like leprosy, H1N1, tuberculosis, HIV, cancer and agressive behavior of adolescent, medical tourism etc . "; echo ""; ?> "; } ?>
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Kumari S, Kishore J. Unsafe Abortion among Adolescents: A Preventable Tragedy (Editorial). Indian Journal of Youth and Adolescent Health 2016; 3 (3): 1-3.

Tanu Anand, Malika Menon, J Kishore, GKM Ingle. Household fuels consumption and health status of the workers in Delhi in 4th National Conference on Health impact of Polluted Environment: Assessment and Solution 25th -26th Feb 2011 at IIC (Anx), Max Muller Marg ND-3.