
Professional Experience

A seasoned medical expert in the field of Health and Environment and has served as a faculty in several Medical Colleges, guided research scholar ,worked as an epidemiologist ,an author and a philanthropist.

Faculty& Head in Department of Community Medicine at Vardhman Mahavir Medical college since 2015 and at Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhisince 2000.

Faculty & Convenor (Hony): Medical Education Unit of VMMC & SJH 2021 onward


  • Medical Education Science Technology in the Department of Medical Education at Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi (2002 onward)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in MCH (PGDMCH) and Postgraduate Diploma in Geriatric Medicine (PGDGM) of Indira Gandhi National Open University (2002-continue)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in MCH (PGDMCH) and Postgraduate Diploma in Geriatric Medicine (PGDGM) of Indira Gandhi National Open University (2002-continue)
  • Community Nursing for BSc and MSc. Nursing Students of Ahilya Bai College of Nursing (Delhi University), LN Hospital, New Delhi and MSc Jamia Hamdard University (1995-2015) and RAK College of Nursing from 2015 onward.
  • Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Maulana Azad Medical College (2002-2014)
  • Community Homeopathy in Nehru College of Homeopathic Medical Science and Research, Lajpat Nagar, New Delh (2004-2010).
  • Master in Social Work of School of Social Work Delhi University 2009-2014.
  • Course of TB Health Visitors of Tuberculosis Association of India held at New Delhi TB Center (2000-2012).

Supervisor/Guide: PhD (Health Sciences), MD in Community Medicine, GSS IP University, ICMR (Studentship Research Projects)

Joint Secretary of Indian Public Health Association (Delhi Branch) 2005-06 and 2006-2007.

Vice President of Indian Association of Epidemiologists 2016 onword

General Secretary of Association of Occupational and enviuronmental health

General Secretary of Indian Public Health Association (Delhi State Branch) 2016 onward

Secretary General of Indian Association for Adolescent Health 2012-continue

Resource person:

  • For Brain Storming Session on Mental Health organized by ICMR 8th Oct 2021
  • For Project PRATAP on Prevention of Adolescent Raod traffic injuries of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India.
  • Resource person for Module development of elderly care, school health and Non-commincable diseases under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India.
  • Resource Person on “Faculty Development Program for Family Medicine” organized by National Board of Examination on 2-3 July 2014, New Delhi and thereafter
  • Resource person on “Gender Issues in Rehabilitation of People Affected with Leprosy” in National Consultation on the Rehabilitation of People Affected with Leprosy organized by Department of Disability Affairs Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Govt of India and Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya Institute of Physical Handicap New Delhi on 18th feb 2014.
  • Expert in Project Recommending Committee for evaluation of the project proposal titled “Waterless Urinal Technology” to TIFAC-DST, New Delhi on 24th Jan 2014
  • Experton“Statistics in Clinical research”in Clinical Trial Workshop organized by Department of Pharmacology on 11th Dec 2014.
  • Training on Integrated Disease Surveillance Project for District and state level Medical Officers 2010-11.
  • Training on Integrated Disease Surveillance Project for Doctors and paramedical workers in NDMC 2009, 2010.
  • Training on Integrated Disease Surveillance Project for Doctors and paramedical workers of Delhi Government 2009, 2010.
  • Polio Eradication Initiatives in India meeting held at Nirman Bhawan on 20th Feb 2009.
  • Task group to prepare 10th Five Year Plan on occupational and environmental Health, Govt. of India, ICMR, New Delhi 2001.
  • Reorientation Training Program for Teachers in Obstetrics and Gyne (Homoeopathy) at Nehru Homoeopathy Medical College, New Delhi 22-27th September 2008.
  • Training Program on gender Issues in Health Care organized by Delhi State Health Mission, H&FW Department, Govt. of NCT Delhi on 24th and 25th September 2008.
  • “Prevention of Risk involved to the Health care workers” in HIV/AIDS training for Medical Personnel funded by Delhi State AIDS Control Society (DSACS), Govt. of NCT Delhi 2002,2003, 2004.
  • Infection control, Prevention of HIV and Hepatitis in health care workers in Delhi State level training programs 2001.
  • Meeting on Implementation of Hepatitis B Vaccination and involvement of Private Practitioners in Immunization Division Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Nirman Bhawan on 31.10.2008.
  • Training of Biomedical Waste Management-Government of Sikkim from 20-21 Nov 2008 at Gangtok.

Epidemiologist: Worked as epidemiologist in the Center for Occupational & Environmental Health Project of the COEH 1998-2000.

Evaluator to validate Research tools of BSc and MSc nursing and medical students of Rufaida College of Nursing Jamia Hamdard, Ahilya Bai College of Nursing, Lok Nayak Hospital, MD, PhD Students of MAMC since 1998 onward.

Course Co-Director: Workshop on Improving Productivity through Health and Safety in Cold Storages organized by Department of Labor, Govt. of NCT Delhi and COEH, 18th August, 2000.

Course Coordinator and Resource person: Training program for Medical Personal in Biomedical Waste Management since 1998-99.

PG In-charge: PG teaching curriculum program run by the department of community medicine, MAMC 2002-2004 and 2007-2008.

Member of Committee of Course and Studies in the Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Delhi, from 2007-09.

Transport In-charge: the department for rural and urban field training of undergraduate and postgraduate student 2002-2004.

Team leader: Qualitative Survey of wild virus polio cases in West UP; UNICEF, New Delhi.

Member of Scientific Program Committee. National Annual Conference of IAPSM organized by Center for Community Medicine AIIMS, New Delhi in Feb 2007.

Member of Governing Council of “Wellness Health and You” (WHY) Chain of Lotus Clinics in India and Delhi.

Team Worker of Rapid Multi-Indicators Survey of UNICEF conducted by the Department of PSM, Lady Harding Medical College, New Delhi.

Team Worker of Multi-Indicators Survey of UNICEF conducted by Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi.

Appraisal: Implementation of Revised National TB Control Program in two districts – Lucknow and Barabanki of Uttar Pradesh in July 1998 on behalf of Ministry of Health, Govt. of India.

Assessor and Evaluator: DNB course in Family Medicine and Community Medicine.

Observer: DNB theory examinations conducted in Nagpur 2005, in Patna 2005, and Kolkata in 2006, Guwahati 2006, Goa in 2007, Hyderabad 2008, Trivandrum June 2009.

Observer: MCI Medical Education Technology Orientation workshop for medical teachers in 2010 (Era Medical College, Lucknow), 2012 (KGMC Lucknow), 2015 (SGT Medical College, Gurgaon).

Member of Interview Board for the posts of State & District Program Managers and MIS Expert/Consultant for NRHM Government of NCT of Delhi on 11-12 December 2007.

Treasurer of Cultural Program of Azad Medicos Association of Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi

Election Officer: Conducting Election of Azad Medicos Association for last 4 years as election officer.

Convenor of the Inspection of 3 Nursing and PG Colleges running Paramedicalcourses (BSc and BLT). Hemwati Bahuguna Uttrakhand Medical Science University Dehradun on 1-3 September 2016.

Master Trainers:

  • Rasthriya Kishore Swasthya Kariyakaram/Adolescent Health
  • Occupational and Health safety including Biomedical Waste management in Delhi Hospitals and performing leading training and research in the field 1998-2000.
  • Medical Education Science Technology
  • Research Methods
  • Epidemiology
  • Gender and PNDT Act,
  • IDSP at the national level
  • MERS CoV and Ebola Viral Disease Training

Developer: Developing the Centre for Occupational & Environmental Health as first Occupational Epidemiologist at Lok Nayak hospital would be a great achievement for the state and country. General public, medical and paramedical personnel can be benefited from its new approach and other activities and from teaching programs. It would strengthen the Workers Health programs 1997-2000.

Author: Written many editions of 25books in Community Medicine and Public Health and social problems to strengthen undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in India.

Editor: WebMed Central specialty Public health, Journal of Nursing Science and Practice, Journal of Health Professional, Journal of Energy, Environment & Carbon Credits, Journal of Medicine, Current Trends in Clinical Trials, Biochemical & Cellular Archives, Bulletin of Occupational & Environmental Health, Ambedkar Medical Bulletin, Editorial Board member of Rationalist Voice.

Appraiser: DNB Family Medicine course conducted such inspection at Holy Spirit Hospital, Mumbai and Lourdes Hospital Kochi, NIHS Kalyani Hospital Vasakhapatanam; DNB Examination at various places in the country; MCI inspection and supervising of MD Community Medicine approval. UP State for DOTS implementation.Dr PH Examination of John Hopkins School of Public Health 2009 for one candidate.

Actively involved designing graduate curriculum and assistant in-charge of Post Graduate Teaching in Dept. of Community Medicine in MAMC and committee member of PG Curriculum and lectures scheduling at Delhi University Level, Curriculum committee of HIMSAR, Jamia Hamdard,

Member of Technical Committee: Aged Friendly Primary Health Services, Redevelopment of AIIPH&H Kolkata, Various committees of the state and central government.