
Dr. Jugal Kishore

MBBS (MAMC), MD (Community Medicine, AIIMS), PGCHFWM (NIHFW), PGDEE, MSc (Sustainable Development), MSc. (Mental Health) Fellow of Indian Association of Public Health, National Academy of Medical Science, Fellow of International Medical Science Academy, Fellow of Indian Association of Preventive and Social medical, Fellow of Indian Association for Adolescent Health, Indian Society of Malaria and other communicable Diseases, and also awarded PhD in Psychiatry from Delhi University.

Dr. Jugal Kishore is a medical educator and emerged as public health institution; born in a village of New Delhi in 1967. After completing his schooling, medical graduation and postgraduation in Community Medicine, he got the opportunity to develop department of Community Medicine in BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences in Nepal and the Center for Occupational & Environmental Health at Lok Nayak Hospital, New Delhi. He has worked in various institutions with remarkable capacities. His PhD in Psychiatry from University of Delhi has come from his interest in Mental health.

He has been actively involved in Social, Mental and Environmental Health Movement in India. His more than 290research papers are published in journals, in magazines, and in dailies. He is authored more than 30 books on public health, national programs, social reform, and rationality. He is editor to many professional Journals and chair of many prestigious boards and task force. He is known for the development of public health education in the country. Many awards and recognitions are bestowed upon him such as “Dr. S Radhakrishnan Memorial Teacher Award”, Lifetime Acheivement Award for promotion of AYUSH 2020, Hakeem Ajma Khan International Award 2021, The University of Queensland Brisbane Australia awarded for special contribution to Sub-Project 7: Strengthening the National Capital Cenrte for Occupational & Environmental Health, Delhi, 1999-2001. Due to his scientific advancement, he has been elected as a Fellow of National Academy of Medial Sciences (FAMS), India, International Medical Science Academy (IMSA), Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM), Indian Public Health Association, and many more have honored fellowship. He has organized more than 100 conferences, workshops, symposium, guest lectures. He has delivered hundreds of lectures. He has been examiners for many exams in many universities. His mission is to liberate the man through education and development of public health.